Railway oasis in nature

2024-06-19 18:51

Shennongjia Forestry District, where Emperor Yandi, a legendary ancestor of the Chinese people, is believed to have once resided, was historically a remote and secluded area. This changed with the establishment of a railway station, thanks to a group of dedicated youth.

Shennongjia, with an average altitude of 1,700 meters, is known as the "Roof of Central China". Winters are long and bitterly cold, with temperatures dropping as low as -20 C. There is no heating here, so it feels even colder than my hometown of Mudanjiang city in Northeast China's Heilongjiang province.

Due to the extreme cold, the water supply pipeline would sometimes freeze and crack. During the Spring Festival of 2023, the station experienced blizzards and freezing rain, and all staff members had to give up their holidays to clear snow and ice from the railroads to ensure smooth transit for passengers.

In addition to the challenges posed by nature, 24-year-old Xie Yuxin pointed out the lack of recreational facilities, as the nearest supermarket was 8 kilometers away. Although the scenery in the area is indeed beautiful, it is the sole amenity; life with little entertainment can feel a bit lonely.

Over the past two years, some staff members have come and gone, while most have remained in their posts. Zhang was one of those who stayed, although she did have moments of doubt. However, one encounter dispelled her hesitation and strengthened her resolve.

During her rounds, Zhang met an elderly gentleman staring at the train schedule display screen in the waiting room. She asked him if he needed any assistance, and he told her that he had been a forest ranger for decades in the region. In the past, it had been difficult to leave town due to limited transportation and treacherous roads. Now, thanks to the train station and staff stationed there, locals can travel to big cities like Beijing and Shanghai within just a few hours.

"When he thanked me with tears in his eyes, I thought, 'What reasons do I have not to stay?'" said Zhang.

She pointed out that since the establishment of the Shennongjia station, an increasing amount of local produce such as citrus, cured meat, and shiitake mushrooms has been shipped out, bringing in profits for local farmers.

More business opportunities have also arisen for locals. Wei Yabo, 48, head of the station, shared the story of Ms Mei, a local woman who used to work in distant cities due to limited local business opportunities.

"With more tourists visiting now, Mei has transformed her house into a homestay. Her business thrives in both winter and summer, so she no longer has to work far from home," said Wei.

According to Zhang Yawen, eight out of the 26 staff members were born in the 1990s and 2000s. "Most of us used to work at regular-speed stations. We came here because we believe there are more challenges and opportunities for personal growth at a new high-speed railway station," she said. "We have learned a lot, including emergency procedures for extreme weather."

Wei believes that Shennongjia Forestry District and the younger staff members share a common trait: both are full of potential.

Shennongjia is still a mysterious place with vast unexplored and undeveloped land. Traveling through the district by train, seeing the primitive forests alongside modern cities, feels like a journey through time. It's definitely a place worth visiting at least once in a lifetime.

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