Guizhou: Carved through time

2023-09-22 09:00

Guizhou's name comes from the Chinese character meaning precious or expensive, and it truly lives up to it. Precious in its serene environment and expensive with its lush greenery, Guizhou is the perfect place to reset and recharge your battery.

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The author (right) shares excitement with China Daily reporter Nathan (left) over riding ATVs in Anlong County. [Photo provided by]

Living in the hustle of Beijing can be exciting and thrilling but sometimes the country-raised boy inside of me needs to take a moment to relax, so I jumped at the chance to visit Guizhou when invited by the China Storytellers Partnerships Tour. I knew as soon as our plane was preparing for landing that this was where I needed to be. Stepping out of the airport you are hit with the freshness and calm that the province has to offer, it felt as if my soul had taken a deep breath.

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The author (left) enjoys the view of Longyin Mountain with other China storytellers. [Photo provided by]

Our first stop on the trip took us to Wanfeng Lake in Xingyi, a vast man-made lake that stretches for miles, weaving in and out of the mountains. We climbed into our kayaks and set off to adventure, all the while thinking to ourselves "surely this is the end of the lake?" and continuously shocked as we turned a corner only to see the lake continue. Along our way we were greeted by fishermen and families relaxing by the water, the warmth of the people was equal to the fall sun resting on our skin.

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A China Storyteller Partnerships Tour group has fun battling down water rapids in Malinghe Canyon. [Photo provided by]

Our aquatic adventures didn't stop there. The next day we ventured to the Malinghe Canyon. We set out on rafts, drifting down the crystal-clear waters with our local guides. The canyon's dramatic rock formations, carved over centuries by the relentless forces of water, created a breath-taking backdrop for our journey. The thrill of the rapids had us soaked in joy, followed straight after by the gentle flow where we basked in the beauty of the sun glimmering through cracks in the canyon above.

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An idyllic waterfall is pictured here in Malinghe Canyon. [Photo provided by]

As our day progressed, we made our way up the surrounding mountains, biting our nails questioning if our bus could make it any further on the ever-narrowing roads. As we switched to smaller transport, we ascended the Longyin Mountain, taking in the inspiring panorama of nature's grandeur. The tapestry of green covered slopes as far as the eye could see, weaved in amongst were towering trees, swaying gently in the breeze. From the summit we watched paragliders dance with the wind effortlessly, showcasing the beautiful harmony between man and nature. As the sun rolled down the hills to set, we sat and chatted on the grass, a stark contrast from our previous position in Beijing the week earlier. We breathed, we laughed and we took in the moment.

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Four members of the China Storyteller Partnerships Tour relax on Wangfeng Lake. [Photo provided by]

Time in Guizhou went slower than anywhere else I had been, in the best way possible. I didn't want to leave, there was so much more left there for me to explore. Rivers I could float along for hours. Mountains I could climb for days. And peace I could bask in for weeks.

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A stunning landscape of Wanfeng Lake is pictured. [Photo provided by]

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The author (left) waits for his plane to take him to Guizhou with Nathan (center) and Haydn (left), two other China Storyteller Partnerships Tour members. [Photo provided by]

Reporter: Martyn Joseph Newlands

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